About Barbarian CMS
The Barbarian CMS is a powerful PHP based custom content management system. The system requires a relational database system such as MySQL or MariaDB. Barbarian CMS uses UTF-8 to store its content, resulting in a system suitable for international websites. It support worldwide languages. Most of users of Barbarian CMS are middle or big enterprise level customers. Barbarian CMS is SEO ready.
The Barbarian CMS is made for easy manipulation of any sort of data and it will suit all of your needs. We have lot of predefined options, but also we provide solution that all suits your specific needs.
N Planeta developing its own CMS (Content Management System) called Barbarian. Just CMS is a web application for data management and other web content without any particular knowledge of web technologies and web programming, which enables clients to automatically update and manage content on its website.
The administrative panel system allows the website moderator/administator, who does't need to know HTML, programming and internet technologies in general, to manage the insertion of new and/or updating and/or deleting the content from the website. Access to the administration website are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, from any part of the world where there inetrent connection.
Why Barbarian CMS?
There are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of open source content management systems over the Internet today. Why would anyone, even You, use a custom CMS?
The truth is that, this custom CMS in question has been built for, has been transform to fit all your needs. In other words, we’re going to spend less time working within the constraints of a system that doesn't fit your business needs and spend more time creating something that allows you to differentiate yourself from every other site out there.
The Barbarian CMS's Dashboard has been translated into 5 languages: English, French, German, Croatian and Serbian. We are constantly working on translating into other world languages.
The Barbarian CMS is committed to enabling content manipulation in the fastest and easiest way. Special attention is paid to integration with social and other networks as well as SEO customization. All services are out of the box. It is regularly updated following all technical changes. The Barbarian CMS is specially adapted to news and larger portals. It also contains the ability to display calendars, events, web shop.